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The most common mistake made in illuminating a space is the identification of luminaires and lighting...!

Lighting and luminaires are...different things, how weird it sounds....

Luminaires are a single parameter of lighting.

Instead, lighting is a function of many parameters, such as the dimensions (size) of the space, the ceiling-wall-coloring (absorbing and reflecting light), the activity carried out within the space (with the required recommended lux per activity ), the type of lighting (general-local-theatrical-atmospheric, etc.), the direction of lighting (direct and indirect), uniformity, tint, color rendering, natural lighting and finally of the luminaires and their arrangement on the space.

As a result, buying lighting fixtures at ... luck and with the sole criterion of exterior appearance or price, lighting is not done ..! It's like buying clothes without knowing...your size! On the other hand, the combination of all these parameters is also the subject of a photometric study, which is the best approach to any lighting problem.


Firstly, the lighting needs of the space (quantitative and qualitative) are cleared up, and then the decorative needs are adjusted to the budget, and we find the right and most economical lighting system.

Eventually, we are lead, not by chance, but now documented, to the most appropriate - from every point of view - lighting fixtures.

Otherwise, in paraphrasing the Chinese phrase "if you do not know where you go, all the roads will take you there ..." we could also say that about the lighting "If you don't know what light you need ... all the lights are good for you!"

The main idea of the article was first published in 2002 at MAISON DECORATION magazine by Costas Mathios.

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The High Speed Ferry KNOSSOS PALACE was built in 2000 by Fincanteri yards in Italy and shortly afterwards was declared the "Best Cruise Ferry in the World" for 2000 by the valid European Shipping Magazine Cruise & Ferry Info.

It is a state-of-the-art ship specially engineered to offer its passengers a comfortable and safe journey. It has stability flaps that minimize shocks from the sea waves and the latest technology for even faster speeds.

Various spaces of the ship, such as cabins, feature ceiling lamps of leading foreign firms such as Nemo. 
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